The Gutenberg blocks
a-staff 1.2 has two new blocks:- a-staff Loop block: does the same thing as the [a-staff] shortcode, but uses Gutenberg’s user interface. This way instead of typing shortcode parameters you can set them up using visual tools like drop-downs, text input fields, etc.
- a-staff Team Member block: shows only one team member’s box. It’s useful when you want to show a short bio of one of your team members as an addition to your post or page.

You can add the a-staff blocks to your Gutenberg pages just like any other block. Currently they reside in the Widgets tab of the block selector tool.
Pro version
From a-staff 1.2 we provide two separate versions of the plugin:- Free version: the traditional version of the plugin that you can download from the plugin directory or from our site
- Pro version: it contains some additional features for the plugin and enables its users to get priority support from us. Currently its only extra feature is the Departments part, but we are planning several new goodies for the upcoming versions.
- Install the Free version after Downloading it from here or from the plugin repository.
- Activate it.
- After activation find the a-staff » Upgrade menu item in your WP-Admin
- Follow the instructions there (make the payment, download the Pro version and install it). Learn more on the plugin’s documentation pages.
Departments (Pro version only)
One of our users has recently requested that it would be great if they could separate their members on their team page by the departments they are working in. It was obvious that it had to be implemented in v1.2 as it can be a useful feature for bigger companies, organizations and sports clubs as well. Now you can filter for departments using the department=”department-name” parameter inside the shortcode or with the Inspector sidebar if you are using Gutenberg. Want to show all departments except one? That’s also possible as of v1.2 with the exclude-department=”department-name” parameter.
Filter by departments in the a-staff Loop block
Design revamp
The plugin’s banner and icon were revamped and got a more modern look.
The new banner with the new icon
Sorting options
Another request from one of our clients was to add more options for sorting member boxes inside the a-staff Loop. From v1.2 you can set the default ordering in the a-staff Plugin Settings in your WP-Admin. The current version supports sorting the boxes by these options:- Member name
- Date added
- Menu order (custom number you can set up individually for each member)
Do you want to add an Our Team (or similar) page to your WordPress site? Download the a-staff plugin and install it. If you face any issues or difficulties with it, please report them to us: our goal is to make this plugin as user-friendly as possible and your feedback is always valuable for us.