Cybersecurity 101: Why It’s Critical for Your Small Business and How to Get Started

Matrix characters on a laptop

Building an online presence is critical for any business that wants to grow and thrive long-term. Fortunately, tech now exists to make that more practical than ever for smaller companies.

But there’s another factor at play wreaking havoc on businesses: hackers. As digital security technology continues to evolve, so do the techniques and strategies of cybercriminals. And cybercrime is a perennial threat for every business — no matter how big or small. An experienced hacker can destroy in moments what your company has spent years building.

So, as you seek to improve your visibility, you must also take cybersecurity seriously and take any steps necessary to protect your business. Here we are with some essential info and advice that will help you prepare for the worst and keep your company flourishing:

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Plugins discontinued

It’s sad, but true: we discontinue the development of our three plugins: a-folio, a-staff and a-boxes (a.k.a. WP Slide-up Box).

The reason behind this decision is that we simply don’t have the time for it. We had extensive number of client projects in the past 1 year and expect to have even more of them in the next few years.

So plugin development has become a very low priority for a-idea studio. Actually I have been oscillationg over whether to really cancel the development of these plugins or only put them on hold for a while…

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Gutenberg: first impressions as a user

Printing letter set

Gutenberg will be the default editor of WordPress 5.0, which is likely to be released during the 2nd half of 2018 (maybe as early as in August, according to Matt Mullenweg’s announcement at WordCamp EU 2018).

To be honest, up till this month Gutenberg has been a pretty grey area for me. I know, yes, that we all have to learn it as this tool is designated to be the future of WordPress. But I was always like “Hey, it doesn’t really look like something that’s gonna be released soon, so better not worry about it yet”.

However, Matt’s announcement has made it clear: the release date of WP 5.0 with Gutenberg is imminent. So I’d better dive into it as quickly as possible…

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