Category: Website Development

Cybersecurity 101: Why It’s Critical for Your Small Business and How to Get Started

Matrix characters on a laptop

Building an online presence is critical for any business that wants to grow and thrive long-term. Fortunately, tech now exists to make that more practical than ever for smaller companies.

But there’s another factor at play wreaking havoc on businesses: hackers. As digital security technology continues to evolve, so do the techniques and strategies of cybercriminals. And cybercrime is a perennial threat for every business — no matter how big or small. An experienced hacker can destroy in moments what your company has spent years building.

So, as you seek to improve your visibility, you must also take cybersecurity seriously and take any steps necessary to protect your business. Here we are with some essential info and advice that will help you prepare for the worst and keep your company flourishing:

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What is a responsive website and why is it important?

Checking responsive website on laptop and mobile

In our survey called Tourism Website Trends 50% of the participants said so far that they didn’t know if their website was responsive or not. This is a huge number – knowing that for about 5-6 years now everything in the webdesign industry is about responsiveness.

I’ll tell you, dear Website Owner, it’s not your fault. It’s mainly the fault of us – website designers and developers – that we didn’t warn you: if you don’t make your website responsive, you can lose about 50% of your visitors.

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Make them feel like they are already there: the art of website images (part 1)

Photographer with a camera

This article has 2 parts. In the first (current) part we’ll cover how to make / choose images for your travel website. In the second part we’ll walk you through the best practice how you should upload these pictures to your WordPress site.

If you are in the tourism business, it’s essential to have a good appearance. Just imagine why stewardesses and stewards are dressed in such an immaculate way on airplanes, why all employees of 5* hotels wear so clean and well-designed uniforms.

On travel websites – beside the site’s design – the pictures are the elements that represent this appearance. In this article we’ll learn how to make sure your imagery is of high quality on your website.

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Why should a travel website use WordPress?

Have you ever tried to imagine what it would be like if your webmaster suddenly died? I know, it’s an unblushingly awful thing to think about someone’s death – especially if you are in good relationship with each other. But it can happen, even if the possibilities are very low.

How would it affect your business? Would you be able to find another expert quickly? Would you (or someone else in your team) be able to manage your website while you find the next affordable web magician?

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Am I already late for the summer season?

Summer season vector graphics

If you run a seasonal business like summer holidays or skiing tours, then the biggest mistake you can do about your website’s development is starting it too late.

Let’s say you own and manage a small apartment building near the seaside. You need a new website for this small business. The summer season starts in June and ends in September. 99% of your guests are visiting your place during these 4 months. You may say: “oh, we have plenty of time until June”. Sorry to say that, but I think you’re wrong now. You are probably already late.

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