Category: Content Marketing

Gutenberg: first impressions as a user

Printing letter set

Gutenberg will be the default editor of WordPress 5.0, which is likely to be released during the 2nd half of 2018 (maybe as early as in August, according to Matt Mullenweg’s announcement at WordCamp EU 2018).

To be honest, up till this month Gutenberg has been a pretty grey area for me. I know, yes, that we all have to learn it as this tool is designated to be the future of WordPress. But I was always like “Hey, it doesn’t really look like something that’s gonna be released soon, so better not worry about it yet”.

However, Matt’s announcement has made it clear: the release date of WP 5.0 with Gutenberg is imminent. So I’d better dive into it as quickly as possible…

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The art of website images (2): how to upload them to your WordPress site

Upload image to website

This is the 2nd part of the article: The art of website images. In this part we’ll walk you through the best practices how you should upload pictures to your WordPress site. If you are interested in how to make / choose images for your travel website, read the first part, too.

How to put the images on your WordPress site?

After you’ve got the final images from the photographer and/or downloaded them from a stock photo site, they are not ready yet to be uploaded to your website. We have 2 major problems with them:

  • the sizes of the image files are too big for online use
  • the file names don’t support your SEO strategy

Let’s see why these are so big issues and how we can fix them…

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Make them feel like they are already there: the art of website images (part 1)

Photographer with a camera

This article has 2 parts. In the first (current) part we’ll cover how to make / choose images for your travel website. In the second part we’ll walk you through the best practice how you should upload these pictures to your WordPress site.

If you are in the tourism business, it’s essential to have a good appearance. Just imagine why stewardesses and stewards are dressed in such an immaculate way on airplanes, why all employees of 5* hotels wear so clean and well-designed uniforms.

On travel websites – beside the site’s design – the pictures are the elements that represent this appearance. In this article we’ll learn how to make sure your imagery is of high quality on your website.

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7 ways outdated content can harm your business

Outdated electronic equipment

If the content on your website is old and no longer 100% valid, it can really hurt your reputation and credibility. In today’s community-based economy reputation is everything. If people want to travel somewhere, they will probably check the hotels and restaurants on TripAdvisor, Facebook or in Google reviews. They will try to book places at best-ranked providers and will try to avoid businesses with bad reviews.

In this article I’ll unfold 7 different aspects how outdated content on your website can harm your business.

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