Changelog: a-staff team member plugin for WordPress
A: added
M: modified
F: fixed
R: removed
v1.2.2 (2018-12-07)
- F: After switching to Font Awesome 5, some icons were not displaying correctly in the admin. This is now fixed.
- F: Blocks didn’t appear correctly in newer versions of Gutenberg. Now this is fixed.
v1.2.1 (2018-10-29)
- M: Renamed “Department” to “Departments” in admin menu.
- F: Same tab / new tab setting wasn’t working for socail networks in v1.2. Now this is fixed.
- F: Some links on the plugin settings screen in admin were not working. Now fixed.
v1.2 (2018-10-04)
- A: Support for Gutenberg / WordPress 5.0
- A: [Gutenberg] a-staff Loop block
- A: [Gutenberg] a-staff Team Member block
- A: Pro version using the Freemius SDK (
- A: [PRO] Now you can group your team members into Departments (suitable for bigger organizations)
- A: [PRO] Filtering members in the a-staff Loop by departments
- A: Setting for linking the boxes to single member pages or not
- A: Sorting options added to the shortcode: by Member Name, by Menu Order or by Date Added
- M: Framework update to TPL-FW 1.3.1 (
- M: Updated the screenshots in the WP Plugin directory to be in line with the plugin’s current UI
- M: Re-done the full templating system, so now you have complete control over how the boxes and the single member pages look
- M: The Plugin Settings pages were moved into a top-level menu in WP-Admin
- M: Changed Yes/No options to checkboxes in Plugin Settings
- M: new plugin banner and icon
- M: Updated Font Awesome version from 4.7 to 5.2
- R: Removed obsolete code after this update
v1.1.1 (2018-07-09)
- Framework update to TPL-FW 1.3 (
v1.1 (2016-11-15)
- A: Phone number field and {MEMBER_PHONE} shorttag for the templates
- A: Excerpts can now be formatted with line breaks and some inline tags
- F: Too big space issue when no social networks were added is now fixed
v1.0 (2016-10-20)
- Initial version
- A: [a-staff] shortcode
- A: Social network manager
- A: Hungarian translation