Daily Archives: November 9, 2017

What is the REAL GOAL of your website?

Straight road

There is one step in the website development process that is the cheapest step of all, but not investing in it can cause you tremendous issues. This step is defining: “What is the REAL GOAL of my website?”

I can’t emphasize it enough – and that’s why I wrote it with full capitals. If you don’t know what your website’s goal is then:

  • you might miss a lot of income that you could otherwise make online
  • your visitors won’t be sure if they are on the right place or not
  • you’ll always be less confident about why your site is not producing the expected results
  • it will be more difficult to decide what to add next your website
  • you can’t really think about conversion funnels (you know, the methodology online marketers always talk about) while you don’t have a crystal-clear goal
  • your blog posts will most probably won’t have the effect that they could if you had an exact goal

But how can you find or decide what your site’s REAL GOAL is? I’ll try to help you in this article.

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