Changelog: WP Slide-up box plugin for WordPress
For the latest release notes click here.
A: added
M: modified
F: fixed
R: removed
v1.0 (2018-07-10)
- A: color selectors for cover background and text colors in the Shortcode generator
- A: admin settings page added for setting default values. The shortcode generator is pre-filled with these values if they are not empty.
- A: Preview box for the shortcode generator
- A: all the strings in the plugin are now translatable
- A: added a Support page to the admin menu
- A: added a direct link to the plugin settings page from the All Plugins page for easier reach
- M: the plugin was renamed to “a-boxes” (from WP Slide-up box) to better fit into our plugin branding line
- M: all animations are rewritten to use native CSS animations instead of jQuery
- M: minified versions of the CSS and JS files added, and these are loaded to speed up the loading times
- M: added 20px left and bottom margins to the boxes by default – to make them better align when used next to or below each other
- F: adjusted some initial values to prevent the cover layer from “flashing up” during page load
- F: now the code trims white spaces from shortcode URL parameters, preventing some annoying linking issues.
v0.4.1 (2017-01-11)
- M: website links are changed to https:// in the readme and in plugin file headers
- F: target links on touchscreens weren’t working in v0.4. Now it’s fixed.
- F: better compatibility with the 2016 theme
v0.4 (2016-11-30)
- A: links can be placed inside the description
- A: touchscreen support – a tap on the box starts the animation, while the link appears in the corner
- A: now not only image IDs, but image URLs can also be used, making it possible to use external images, too
- A: added plugin header and icon for the WP plugin directory
- M: the plugin code is now more secure using escaping methods
- M: the extra class is added to the container boxgrid DIV insead of the cover – it adds more customizability
- M: links in the help block and in readme now point to the new website
- F: on some themes the cover layer had issues if the IMG had margins – now it’s fixed
v0.3.1 (2016-08-25)
- Fixed cover width issues in JS (sometimes it was not set properly on some servers)
- Improved responsiveness (in the previous version there had been issues with window resizing)
v0.3 (2016-05-27)
- Plugin’s code was rewritten completely with more attention to quality
- The plugin no longer creates a table in WPDB, everything can now be controlled via the shortcode or the template function’s parameters (however, we kept the table reader functions for backwards compatibility)
- Size parameter added for using other image sizes than “full”
- The project is now on GitHub
- Admin is now responsive
- Front end now has better support for responsive images
- Shortcode generator added in admin
- Everything is prefixed now correctly: the plugin is less prone to conflicts with other plugins
v0.21 (2012-12-27)
- Bugfix: in 0.2 there was an error in the install process (didn’t generate the neccessary database tables)
v0.2 (2012-12-12)
- Now you can insert Slide-up boxes as PHP functions into your WP themes
- New shortcode attributes introduced: class, title, desc, alt
- If not specified, the plugin uses the cover title as the value of the image alt tag (helps you make valid and SEO-friendly code)
- Improved documentation and FAQ
- 4 new modes: fade-in, fade-out, top-down-full, top-down-part
- Separated frontend and admin PHP files: this way the plugin uses a bit less memory
v0.11 (2012-11-16)
- Error messages added for the ‘Add new image’ form
- Some tiny bugfixes and fine-tuning in the admin panel
- Made all plugin files’ encoding UTF-8 without BOM
v0.1 (2012-10-26)
- First 6 modes introduced
- Admin panel to set up slide-up boxes
- You can use pictures of any size (which is an improvement since the original jQuery plugin)