It’s been a long time since my last blog post. To be honest, I had so many things to do that I didn’t really have the time…
Website Update
One big thing that we’ve completed in the past few weeks was a major update to our website. While in the front end the changes may look small, we’ve completely rebuilt its backend, creating a single site from our previous multisite installation…
However, we kept all the URLs the same where it was possible, so if you linked to our site before, it probably still works.
I became a Codeable Expert last month

My Codeable WordPress Expert Certificate
It’s a very huge step forward in the life of our studio, because from now on we’ll have the chance to work with some very good clients in the future.
What is Codeable?
Codeable is a network of individual WordPress Developers and clients (website owners, agencies, etc.) who need a WordPress job done in the best possible quality. You may say it’s just another outsourcing network, but I can tell you, it’s different.
While on other outsourcing networks developers are bidding for projects they don’t even understand correctly, leading to reckless price-wars, Codeable uses a completely different approach. Let’s see why it is different:
- Only 2-3% of the applicants are granted the Codeable Expert status. Yes, I had to go through their rigorous entry exams, and it wasn’t an easy ride. But I am now inside, you can find my profile on the site.
- Clients and Developers can discuss the project before it starts. For example, on Upwork the biggest disadvantage was that I wasn’t able to talk to the client before the project started, which is nonsense. How would I know how much I had to estimate when the brief is not crystal-clear? On Codeable we have plenty of possibilities to discuss the project before we apply for it. Furthermore, we are not allowed to apply for anything we are not 100% sure we can do.
- One of the best customer supports I’ve ever met.
- is exclusively for WordPress projects. Better focus and everybody is speaking the same language.
- Almost 99% of the projects are rated 5/5. Maybe this number is the result of the strict pre-selection of WordPress Experts.
- Communication, communication and communication: these are 3 fields every expert on Codeable is required to be professional in 🙂
Can I hire you there for your next project?
Of course, you can! I advise you to have a look around the site first and decide if it’s for you. You can post a project directly for me on Codeable if you’d like to – using this link: Hire Ervin on Codeable. I am happy to help you.
In case of any questions, please ask me in a comment below.
Here is a new, more comprehensive article on what Codeable is, who it is for and how to use it.
Welcome mate! 🙂