Have you ever tried to imagine what it would be like if your webmaster suddenly died? I know, it’s an unblushingly awful thing to think about someone’s death – especially if you are in good relationship with each other. But it can happen, even if the possibilities are very low.

How would it affect your business? Would you be able to find another expert quickly? Would you (or someone else in your team) be able to manage your website while you find the next affordable web magician?

These are very important questions. To illustrate it better, take a look at the dialogue below:

Guest: and why are your real prices higher than what you show on your website?

Hotelier: oh, don’t even ask it… Our web developer married that Chinese girl, moved to Shanghai, and since then we haven’t heard about him. He knows all the passwords… And even if I knew the passwords, I don’t know how to update the website.

OK, the developer doesn’t necessary have to die, just disappear for a long time. 🙂 In this case if you don’t know how to update your website, you can be in a big trouble.

How can WordPress help in these situations?

  • WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS), which means that it:
    • gives you an admin area where you can edit contents of your website in a user-friendly way
    • it displays the content using a selected theme
  • Compared to other CMSes, WordPress has 2 major benefits:
    • extremely easy to use: if you’ve ever used any word processing software then you’ll be familiar with WordPress’ post editor, too
    • lots of everything: themes, plugins, users, developers. It means that there are lot of people and tools out there that can resolve your WordPress-related problems

So it means that using WordPress you don’t have to worry about finding the appropriate developer (there are lot of them), and in many cases you can do some content editing yourself, too.

What is in it for the travel industry?

For travel websites, it’s a good news that WordPress (WP) can offer them some out-of-the box tools that can lower the price of your travel website development.

  • Blogging platform: yes, you just need to have WP installed on a server and can start a travel blog right away. Then you can develop your site further once you get some audience.
  • Online Booking tools: they can really reduce the development time for hotel / restaurant / event websites
  • Lot’s of themes: e.g. here is what we found under the travel tag on ThemeForest or on Mojo Marketplace. You can install these with a few clicks and have a completely new look for your WP site.
    • Or stay tuned, the release date of our first travel theme is not too far away…
  • Lot of plugins that can connect your site with online payment solutions, email marketing suppliers, add an event calendar to your site, etc.
    • Even booking.com has official WordPress plugins!

Would you like to know if WordPress is a good solution for you?

Contact us!


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